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Collegiate Involvement

Alpha Gamma Rho

2013 ANRC Rep

2014 Co-Chaplin

2014 Parliamentarian

2015 VNR Alumni Relations

2015 1st Vice President


Agricultural Mechanization Club

2013-2014 Vice President

2014-2015 Vice President


2013-2014 CAFLS Senator

Academic Affairs Committee

Academic Advising Committee

2014-2015 CAFLS Senator

Athletics Committee

Academic Advising Committee



My name is Kitt Moore, and I am excited to announce my candidacy for the office of Clemson University Student Body President.  I was born and raised in Barnwell, SC, where from day one, I was dressed in Solid Orange. My family instilled a special love of Clemson within me and taught me to always be a part of the bigger picture. That is, to live in service of others for the greater good of my community and for what is morally right. It is because of this foundational belief and my love for Clemson that I have chosen to run for President.


Currently, I am a junior pursuing a degree in Agricultural Mechanization and Business with a minor in Agricultural Business Management. After graduation, I plan to work as a produce broker. With my desire to return to the farm, I have no other reason to run for Student Body President other than to serve the only place I love more than my home, Clemson University.


With a passion for student safety, inclusion, and appreciation, Raegan and I intend to make the Clemson family feel more alive than ever before. It is our goal to unite the students, faculty, and staff to be One Clemson, One Family. Student Government is often perceived as an organization that only allows certain people or elite groups to participate. We intend to change the focus of Student Government to ensure that we embrace all individuals and organizations. I, personally, want every student to trust that under our leadership, Student Government will serve the entire student body. Raegan and I are involved in a variety of campus organizations and will not be limited to the opinions of one group. We are both humble individuals who are willing to listen and lead with “you” in mind at all times.  Our transparency has helped guide us to where we are now, and we plan to continue in these efforts of honesty and trust during our terms.


Throughout my life, I have had several opportunities in which I was able to grow as a leader. I was Vice President of the National Honor Society, a Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Delegate, 2011 Boy State Commissioner of Agriculture, 2012 Young Ag Spokesperson of the Year, Vice President of Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity, Vice President of the Agricultural Mechanization Club, and Student Senate Ambassador. These positions have taught me how to better serve, compete and organize while staying true to my beliefs.


As President, I plan to continue in my efforts of service to others and hope to unite our student body. I am passionate about equality and plan to make every student feel at home and appreciated here at Clemson. During my term, I would invite all students to interview for open positions within Student Government. We will be looking not only for a wonderful resume, but for passionate individuals who are humble-hearted and ready to be a part of the bigger difference. It is our diversity that makes our Tiger pride shine, and we plan to keep adding to it with our active Forward Vision!


I invite you to check out our platform page to get more insight on some of the things we plan to address during our term as Student Body President and Vice President. Thank you for your interest and passion in getting to know Clemson’s prospective future leaders!


Church Involvement

Member of Double Pond Baptist Church

Hagood Avenue Baptist Church Youth Group 9th – 12th grade


High School Involvement

Vice President National Honor Society

Beta Club

HOBY Delegate 2010

Boy State Commissioner of Agriculture 2011

Young Ag Spokesperson of the Year 2012

Varsity Football – Right Tackle

Collegiate Involvement

•Clemson University's Student Government Association, Elections Board Committee Systems Organizer

•Order of Omega Member

•Sigma Alpha Lambda Honors Society

•National Society of Collegiate Scholars

•2014 Clemson Dance Marathon Committee

•Greek InterVarsity, greeter and guest speaker

•Fellowship of Christian Athletes, FCA

•National Residence Hall Honorary Society Delegate to the National Conference at Pittsburg University


Delta Zeta

•2012 Delta Zeta's Freshman Pledge Class President

•2013 Delta Zeta's Pink Goes Green Chairwoman

•2014 Delta Zeta's, Pi Epsilon, Chapter President

•2014 Delta Zeta's National Delegate to the Undergraduate Inter-fraternity Institution (UIFI) in Indianapolis

•2014 Chapter Delegate to the Delta Zeta National Convention in Arizona

•2014 SEPC (Southeastern Panhellenic Conference) Delta Zeta Representative



Collegiate Awards

•Order of Omega Patrick W. Halloran Scholarship

•Delta Zeta Upstate Alumni Scholarship

•Delta Zeta, Pi Epsilon, Outstanding Junior Award

•Delta Zeta, Pi Epsilon, Regional Outstanding Junior Award Nominee

•2014 Delta Zeta Nominee for Miss Clemson University Homecoming Queen

•2014 Miss Clemson University Homecoming Queen

•2013, 2014 Student Affairs Leadership Award





Hey, guys! My name is Raegan McCullough, and I am proud to announce my candidacy for the office of Clemson University Student Body Vice President. Though I am a small town girl from Iva, SC, my parents always encouraged me to keep a big vision before me, a vision that always begins and ends with serving others.


Over the years, I have been afforded many opportunities to learn, compete, serve, and lead.  My parents, both educators, have been exceptional role models for me, teaching and modeling the importance of unconditional love, honesty, compassion, integrity, and service to others.  As a result, I too have a deep desire to motivate, inspire, and serve. My desire to help others live a more fulfilling life led me to Clemson University, where I am currently pursuing a degree in communication studies with a minor in education.  After graduation, I plan to pursue a Masters in School Counseling and use my knowledge and experiences to motivate and encourage youth to refine their character, fearlessly pursue their dreams, and be an overall Difference Maker. This is a legacy my father left for me that I feel compelled to continue.   


At Clemson, I have had numerous opportunities to make a difference and positive change through my involvement with organizations such as FCA, InterVarsity, Student Government, and Delta Zeta. As past President of Delta Zeta, it was my goal to establish relationships with my sisters by always being approachable and available to hear their ideas, suggestions, and concerns. This is the same goal I have for the position of Vice President. 


As Vice President, I plan to speak with individuals, groups, and organizations to learn more about what matters to you so that I can advocate on your behalf.  I am passionate about enhancing the Clemson experience for all students and increasing our presence on the campus, within the community, and at a state and national level. Kitt and I believe in the importance of continually manifesting a strong community by celebrating the diversity that makes us so unique. It will be our honor to serve you and continue the Tiger Tradition, Forward Vision that has made Clemson University a National Top 20 University.


High School Involvement and Awards

•Palmetto Girls State Delegate: City Mayor, House of  Representative, and Federalist Party Candidate for Lt.Governor

•Distinguished State Finalist for Prudential Spirit of Community  Award

•Wendy's High School Heisman School Winner and State Finalist

•(HOBY) Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Delegate

•Junior Leadership Anderson Delegate

•President's Volunteer Service Award

•Student Government Association: Class President, Cabinet  Member, Student Body Treasurer

•National Beta Club: President, Vice-pres.

•Who's Who Among America's High School Students

•Who's Who Among Crescent High School Seniors

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